
Thursday, April 13, 2023

Accountability Is...


...a key tactic mentioned in most motivational books.

...harder than it looks.

At least for me. I have always had a great deal of trouble when it comes to finding accountability partners. I've had several through the years, but none of them have lasted very long - usually through no fault of their own. We'd have phone calls, trade emails, share big plans. It was all very well-intentioned.

Invariably, it would fall apart. One or both of us wouldn't follow through. A break would be called for vacations, or family issues, or, well, anything really. We'd drift, and before we knew it, the accountability partnership was over. If it had really ever begun.

I blame myself, mostly. I don't like to be held accountable by people who aren't in a position to really hold me accountable. Of course, I'm the only one who can put them in that position, and I define that position as 'more successful at what we're trying to do than I am'. Which put me in the position of needing accountability partners that would usually charge for their services, unless they found me to be an appropriate accountability partner for THEM.

I recognize the issues here. But it doesn't really change anything. If I don't think someone can hold me accountable, they won't. That's on me, not them. And if they don't think I'm in a place that they want to bother with holding me accountable, or being accountable themselves to ME, that's essentially on me as well.

This year, something bizarre has happened, however. Out of the blue, I messaged a friend and told him I was going to be accountable to him for my diet everyday, whether he wanted to be a 'partner' or not. I asked him simply to acknowledge that I was sending him my eating for the day. He agreed.

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Two days later, I went to breakfast with my paraplegic, bodybuilding, wheelchair racing, plane-building, speaker pal Handbike Mike. Out of the blue, he suggested we become workout partners - 6 am every morning. To give you some idea, he can do pullups without getting out of his chair. It was like Superman asking a fat Jimmy Olsen to workout with him. Crazy. Unexpected. I countered with M, W, F - and we've been working out since March 1st. He's pushing me harder than I've ever been pushed at the gym, and I feel very accountable. He says it's 'wheelchair guilt'. Of course, I have a prosthetic leg, but he still has a point...

But it didn't stop there.

Two days later, I got a phone call from a fellow 'Finalist' - that is, someone who has made it all the way to the Toastmasters World Championship Finals stage - who wanted me to be an accountability partner with him on his journey to become an Accredited Speaker - the highest professional speaking designation one can achieve in the organization. On my end, I had put the AS on the backburner, as I'm still a bit enamored by the thought of becoming the World Champion of Public Speaking through the International Speech Contest - and am in the middle of a run even as I type. But hey, why not? We set goals to be eligible to apply by January 2024, which means a variety of speaking opportunities, both paid and pro-bono, testimonials, video, and some other paperwork-oriented work needs to be done. The real work starts with outreach to get the speaking stages in the first place. We've challenged each other to contact on potential stage per day, and we email every night. The result so far has been a couple of scheduled dates, and more outreach than either of us has done in years.

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What's my lesson for the day? Honestly, it's tough to say.

Perhaps I should have been more bold when looking for accountability partners. Perhaps I should have been more willing to work with others. Perhaps it's 'when you're ready, the accountability appears'.

Whatever you take from this today, let me know in the comments. Personally, I'm just happy with the results. I'm also looking for another accountability partner, or two. I need to be called to the carpet when it comes to marketing, that's for sure. It's been a month since I've written an article in the 'weekly' blog - and that's just unacceptable.

Accountability is....a valid WinAnyway tactic. When you - when I - allow it to be effective. Go find the right people, and be the right person. Your WinAnyway life awaits.


Does your team need strategies and inspiration to live their #WinAnyway Life, both professionally and personally? Let me transfer my experience, energy, and outlook by bringing me in to deliver a tailored #WinAnyway presentation. Contact me at, or right here on LinkedIn.

Monday, April 3, 2023

You Walk Funny Part I

April, among other things, is Limb Loss and Limb Difference Awareness Month. I've qualified for both over the years, as well as something more.