
Sunday, May 15, 2022

I'm Reading in 2022


Finished 2 more books this week: Tools of the Titans, by Tim Ferriss, and All Business is Still Show Business by Scott McKain. 

Tools was a 'real book' - bought for me for Christmas several years ago, and left on my shelf as I contemplated reading 676 pages. The way it's laid out, profile after profile, with a few valuable essays interspersed, is very reader friendly, and it reads more like a 400 pager. Great interviews, some really cool ideas - on health, wealth, and wisdom (deliberately broken out this way). Instead of putting it back on the shelf, I'm keeping it down to reference again when I'm in need of inspiration. 

All Business I bought on Kindle when it came out, and just flew through it. Easy enough because there wasn't really anything in there that I didn't completely agree with - it was a great 'Oh yeah - I know that - why aren't I doing that book', with some wonderful personal stories and business case studies. McKain is conversational and authentic, and I've watched him enough on video to hear his voice as I read - which is always a plus. 

2022 Totals: 

2 Real Books: 1028 pages 
8 Kindle Books: 1723 pages 
19 Audible Books: 121 Hours, 17 min

I'll continue to update, as well as go back through the year with reviews of earlier readings. 

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