
Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Day 2: 15 Influential Speakers - Pastor Norman Bales

The preacher of my childhood church, Norman Bales, had a huge influence on me beyond just, y'know, teaching me scriptures and what it meant to be a Christian - which, incidentally, doesn't seem to be anything close to what many consider Christianity today - but that's another post.

The long-time preacher at the Cedar Rapids Church of Christ, he was heavy into scripture-based sermons, but also told many a story in his mixed Midwest/Southern drawl to anchor his point. He didn't speak too fast, and my love of the pause when speaking likely started with him.
Another reason I know he was a strong influence is my coach spent years working to get the 'Preacher voice' out of me - though, tho be fair, I was influenced not just by Preacher Bales, but so many in the years after high school, when I moved to Oklahoma.
Mom's reading this thinking 'Oh, c'mon Richard, you were so bored and never paid attention to a word he said.' Yeah, well, maybe. But I definitely listened to HOW he said them.


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