
Monday, December 30, 2024

Up-Level your 2025 Speaking Business NOW.

Are you willing to do the work?
Offers end soon! Links to grab your spot are below the article.

I've worked with a bunch of speakers in 2024, helping them build their keynote, enhance their brands, and find paid stages.

Out of that bunch, one particular client stands out.

We've worked together the last 18 months. We built his keynote. We worked on outreach. He had over 350 email outreaches, and ended up with a number of Chamber opportunities, all paid. They wanted training talks on everything from delegation to social media to resiliency – together we built two-hour talks complete with heavy audience involvement and professional slide decks.

We found the right humor moments, and jettisoned some that might have gotten him in hot water. We found story after story from his personal and professional life to relate to his audiences. He sold books and made a good sum over and above the speaking fees. Ultimately, his chamber audience linked him to big time stages, and big time speaking fees.

His quote to me last week? "Rich – you 10x'd my speaking business" – over 30K in booked presentations – many with repeat customers. He did the work. He listened, he argued, he stood his ground, he compromised, he KEPT listening. And he kept doing the work. Imagine if you were this client? How far do you want to go in 2025?

I never guarantee financial results – but I know I can take your speech and your business to a higher level than it is now – if you too are willing to do the work.

Below are links to connect with me - get in NOW before this sale is OVER.

One Month Intensive - 749

Three Month Comprehensive - 1799

Six Month - All Inclusive - 2749

Want to talk about it? Let's build a custom plan just for you!

You can also email me at!

Don't need an coaching for yourself? Recommend someone, and I'll pay you 10%!

Work for a big company? Bring me in to coach for teams and ask me for the LinkedIn discount!

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