
Wednesday, January 1, 2014

My 2014 Reading List: 52 Books in 52 Weeks

Earlier, I shared what I read in 2013, and promised I'd share what I'd be reading in 2014, under my '52 in 52' Goal. These are not all speaking books, not all marketing books, not even all non-fiction books. Many of you suggested some of these titles, others are books I have always wanted to read, others are books I want to re-read. Many I'll end up listening to instead of reading, others I wouldn't dream of not perusing page by page.

As I finish each one, I'll talk about it, either here (for speaking books) or on my new blog which will be part of the revamped

So here we go - the titles, in no particular order, and a few comments. I considered linking them to where you can buy them, but I'm not looking for affiliate sales, and changes are you know how to find a book online, right?

1. Under The Dome - Stephen King - I've gotten about halfway through this, but put it down last year. Now that it's a hit TV show, I suppose I should finish it...

2. Moby Dick - Herman Melville - A classic I've never read, perhaps appropriate for contest season.
3. Book yourself Solid - Michael Port - I've never made it through this, because I want to actually do the exercises in it, not just browse it. Now's the time.
4. Think and Grow Rich, 61 & 62. The Law of Success, The Lost Prosperity Secrets, The Magic Ladder to Success - Napoleon Hill - delving into his other works, versus re-reading TAGR.
5. Black Book of Networking - Jeffrey Gitomer - it's been a few years - may choose the audible just to hear Jeffrey's encouraging voice.
6. From History's Shadow. A Star Trek book - Dayton Ward. A guilty pleasure I haven't allowed in years. TBD.
7. Presentation Zen - Garr Reynolds - hard to believe I haven't read this, actually.
8. The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy - Douglas Adams - a SF/Fantasy Classic I have inexplicably never read.
9. The Complete Sherlock Holmes - Sir Conan Doyle - A book I've had for 30 years, just waiting for me to actually read it all. I've read a few stories, but not in the last 15 years.
10. The Message of You - Judy Carter - My top speaking book of 2013, a must re-read resource.
11. Million Dollar Speaking - Alan Weiss - I'm about halfway through this on Kindle, need to finish it.
12. World Class Speaking - Craig Valentine - As with the above, halfway through.
13. The Element - Ken Robinson - highly recommended from this TEDTalk icon.
14. The Bully Pulpit - Doris Kearns Goodwin - saw this in Barnes and Noble a couple weeks ago, and have since had several friends recommend it. At 928 pages, I may have to listen to it instead...
15. The Slight Edge - Jeff Olsen - another motivational classic that has slipped under my radar.
16. 80/20 - Perry Marshall - need to order it - the recommendation was through the roof.
17. Flowers For Algernon - Daniel Keyes - a literary classic I have avoided, but will give a try.
18. The Giver - Lois Lowry - never heard of it, but it has potential.

19. The Long Walk to Freedom - Nelson Mandela - perhaps the must-read auto-biography of the year for me.
20. Salt - Mark Kurlansky - I'm a bit leery of this, but perhaps it will add some flavor to my reading habits.
21. The Book Thief - Markus Zusak - no, I won't cheat and just rent the movie. Just.
22. Ishmael - Daniel Quinn - Have no idea what to expect here.
23. Improv for Storytellers - Keith Johnstone - Always good to brush up.
24. Go Giver - Bob Burg - a short business metaphor book, I assume.
25. Instant Influence - Michael Pantalon - easily persuaded to read this.
26. The Power of Habit - Charles Duhigg - expect it to take 7 weeks to read
27. Leaders Eat Last - Simon Sinek - I need more leadership reading, I believe.
28. Comedy Writing Secrets - Mel Helitzer - ...and always need humor brush-ups as well.
29. Dave's Way - Dave Thomas - why not? Can I read it while eating a Baconator?
30. The Alchemist - Paulo Cuelho - shocked I haven't read this yet, actually.
31. The Attitude Check - Heath Suddleson - I bet if he sent me a signed copy I'd read it faster and review it here on Speak & Deliver :)
32. Dirty Little Secrets - Sharon Drew Morgen - this one too...(she didn't send me a copy, but I read it anyway.
33. How Successful People Think Differently - Akash Karia
34. Ted:ology - Akash Karia, Michelle Mazur - Akash is a prolific author, and it's time I spend some effort reading his work, and seeing what his ideas are, and how they can help my audience.
35. The Boy Behind the Gate - Larry Jacobson - another book I'd love to see come in the mail, wink wink.
36. Life of Pi - Yann Martel - enjoyed the movie, but everyone says the book is better.
37. Unstoppable - Nick Vujucic - been on my list a long time, actually.
38. The Barefoot Executive - Carrie Wilkerson - I've read the kindle, but want to listen to it and her dulcet, southern tones.

39. Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook - Gary Vaynerchuck - loved Crush It - and Gary is a great reader, and often adds more to his audio books than what's in the printed edition.
40. Living an Exceptional Life - Jim Rohn - always worth a listen.
41. Talent is Never Enough Sometimes You Win, Sometimes You Learn - John Maxwell - back before I got involved with speaking, I bought a Maxwell book in preparation to become a manager. Since then, I've read nothing else from him. That changes this year.
42. Little Green Book of Getting Your Way - Jeffrey Gitomer - on Audible, most likely.
43. Decisive - Chip & Dan Heath - listening to this now, actually, at least earlier today, at the gym.
44. The Four Agreements - Don Miguel Ruiz - long on my list.
45. Drive - Daniel Pink - next one cued up on Audible

Audio Programs to Listen or Re-Listen to in 2014

46. Speaker MachineRick Butts/Felicia Slattery - with lifetime access, why not?
47. Wisdom Thesis - Rick Butts - see above.
48. Own the Stage - Darren LaCroix/Craig Valentine - worth a second look, always pumps me up.
49. How to Build a Keynote by Next Week - Darren LaCroix/Patricia Fripp - sharpen the saw. How to 
50. Outline, Design, and Deliver a Dynamic Sales Presentation - Patricia Fripp - newly acquired, and looking forward to it.
51. Mastering Your Speech - Lance Miller - probably need to watch this before seeing him at the training later this month.
52. Create Your Killer Keynote - Craig Valentine - more keynote info to just keep getting better.
53. Lady and the Champs 2013 - Various - about halfway through this.
54. Get More Laughs - Darren LaCroix - you can never laugh enough.

Extra Books & Programs Added on the Fly

55. The Media Training Bible - Brad Phillips - getting interviewed more in 2014 is a goal
56. Speaker Leader Champion - Ryan Avery & Jeremey Donovan - just cause I'm curious
57. Epic Content Marketing - Joe Pulizzi - because I'm a marketing Junkie
58. Speak Up For Your Business - Michelle Mazur - cause, well, we're friends :)
59. Own Your Industry - Douglas Kruger - see above :)
60. amazon's Dirty Little Secrets - Greg Jameson - local author and friend
61. 11 Deadly Presentation Sins - Rob Biesenbach

The Breakdown:

10 fiction books
15 Speaking books
18 Marketing/Sales books
...and a few leadership, parable, and sundry uncategorical type tomes.

Hmm. Looks like I need a couple of extra weeks! I don't guarantee I won't replace a few of these with other books that come in for review, or just on a whim. But I will still work to get '52 in 52' - or more.

What will you be reading? Feel free to share below!


  1. I've read four of the books, and been through four of the audio programs. And looking through your list to see what else appeals.

  2. I like that - 52 books in 52 weeks, for now I'll try one a month though (I have a pile by my bedside)! Definitely on my list are Think & Grow Rich (yearly re-read too), 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (yet to finish!), Purple Cow, Soul Trader, The First Judgement (have to have some fiction!), The Success Principles (great book). How do you manage to read one book a week though? I'd love to be able to do that...

  3. Cheryn - so far, I listen to audio books while I drive and workout, and read 'real books' while waiting for kids to get out of school and during my son's karate. I chunk out larger books, and have shorter ones woven in to keep my pace up. I'm ahead 2 books at the moment.... Good luck on your goals!
