Wednesday, February 26, 2025

I can do it myself!

I can do it myself! 
 I know. And if you have - skip this post.

But if you're like most speakers, you've gotten stuck somewhere along they way. Maybe you just can't decide on your message. Or your audience. Or your fee.

Most people get stuck when it comes to outreach...and end up not doing any at all, just hoping somebody lands on their website or get referred to them.

 That's no way to run a business!

 5 Session Fast Start

Benefit #1 
 I've been working with speakers for over 20 years discover, develop, and deliver their best message, to the best audience, to receive their best payday.
 Benefit #2 
 I've made mistakes, and watched others make mistakes, which means I can work with you to create your perfect map to success!
 Benefit #3 
 Being a speaker is a lonely business, and it's easy to get discouraged. My clients know me to be their cheerleader and their kick in the pants. Because you need both.

 My 5 Session Fast Start gives us a chance to dive deep - 5 hours of coaching on content, delivery, marketing, and whatever else is stopping you from getting to your speaking success - only $247 until March 1st

Click here to schedule your first session. Don't want to use PayPal? Venmo me at Rich-Hopkins-WinAnyway (last four digits of phone is 8487, if needed), and email me at

 Remember, investment goes up March 1st.

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