Monday, April 22, 2024

Day 3: 15 Influential Speakers...Dr. John Thompson

This will NOT include Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, or Brian Tracy - who are essentially on my Mt. Rushmore of speaker influences.

Dr. John Thompson - who taught my Government class freshman year at Oklahoma Christian College in fall of 1986. Held your attention, used storytelling and a powerful voice to teach a class that would otherwise be a boring chore to sit through.
I was never able to fit another class with him in my schedule, sadly. His booming voice also served him well when he sang Shout by the Isley Brothers at a holiday concert - an enduring memory.
If ever a speaker influenced my 'vocal variety', it was him.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Day 2: 15 Influential Speakers - Pastor Norman Bales

The preacher of my childhood church, Norman Bales, had a huge influence on me beyond just, y'know, teaching me scriptures and what it meant to be a Christian - which, incidentally, doesn't seem to be anything close to what many consider Christianity today - but that's another post.

The long-time preacher at the Cedar Rapids Church of Christ, he was heavy into scripture-based sermons, but also told many a story in his mixed Midwest/Southern drawl to anchor his point. He didn't speak too fast, and my love of the pause when speaking likely started with him.
Another reason I know he was a strong influence is my coach spent years working to get the 'Preacher voice' out of me - though, tho be fair, I was influenced not just by Preacher Bales, but so many in the years after high school, when I moved to Oklahoma.
Mom's reading this thinking 'Oh, c'mon Richard, you were so bored and never paid attention to a word he said.' Yeah, well, maybe. But I definitely listened to HOW he said them.

Wednesday, April 10, 2024

That One DARE Speaker...

Day 1: 15 Speakers who have influenced me. This will NOT include Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, or Brian Tracy - who are essentially on my Mt. Rushmore of speaker influences.

THAT ONE D.A.R.E. Speaker. No idea who it was, but he came in to our Jr. High, I believe, and put the fear of God in us. Even then, my thoughts basically went to "I could say that better than he is". 

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Let's Get EXCITED!

Today's WinAnyway Podcast - Let's Get EXCITED! - How an introvert fights for their right to PARTY! 


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