Thursday, September 19, 2024

You Only Know What You Know - You Know?

Old timey movies, Disney records, and a sudden realization.... Today's WinAnyway Podcast.

Wednesday, July 3, 2024

Tuesday, July 2, 2024

What are Your Non-Negotiables?


A favorite show the last couple of years is The Bear, available from FX on Hulu. It's an extremely intense and stressful glimpse into restaurant life, as Carmy tries to take his family's humble Chicago beef sandwich shop from the depths of bankruptcy in the wake of his brother's suicide to the heights of a Michelin-rated fine dining establishment.

A big part of his plan are what he calls his 'non-negotiables' - which are incredibly high standards for him and all those working for him. For those of us in the self-help, motivation space, these are nothing new - we usually think of them as 'never settle' lists, or 'must-do/must-not-do' lists, or mission statements or mantras or manifestos get the idea.

For your reference, here is his list of 27 non-negotiables:

  1. Constantly Evolve Through Passion And Creativity
  2. Change Menu Every Day
  3. Technique Technique Technique
  4. No Surprises
  5. "Something" About Teaspoons
  6. Personal Hygiene
  7. Shirts Perfectly Pressed
  8. Break Down Boxes
  9. Clean As You Go
  10. Push Boundaries
  11. Respect Tradition
  12. No Excuses
  13. Perfect Means Perfect
  14. Not About You
  15. Time - Every Second Counts
  16. Service
  17. Focus
  18. Know Your Shit
  19. Details Matter
  20. Pursuit Of Excellence
  21. In + Out Service
  22. Confidence + Competence
  23. Consolidation + Speed
  24. No Repeat Ingredients
  25. Vibrant Collaboration
  26. Less Is More
  27. Of The Place

Gotta admit - comprehensive, challenging, and pretty applicable to almost any business, or even general life, for that matter.

I could probably consolidate/whittle down the list to about ten non-negotiables, just for brevity - but then brevity can be a non-negotiable of its own, which just ADDS to the list.

Which of these are most applicable to you and your business? Or, more importantly, which of these are important, but you're not living up to the standard? I know my office could be cleaner and more organized. And my focus needs work - I haven't written an article here since 2023, for goodness sake. I don't press my shirts, but I don't really wear shirts that need to be pressed. Maybe I should.

#27 - Of The Place - is fascinating to me. It means being of your origins, essentially. Be true to who you are. No matter what you aspire to, hold on to what makes you, YOU. For me, that means embracing my comic book/super hero/Star Trek side - even if I think I should hide it. In truth, those interests inform everything I do, from my creative side to my value system. To hide it, or be ashamed of it, is to deny part of who I am to the people I'm offering my experience to. They deserve the best of me as a speaker and a coach. Which means I have to be my authentic, unique, somewhat wacky and nerdy self.

I'd love to read which of these really resonate with you - and what you may be doing with them in the future. Do you already have non-negotiables? Will you be creating some, or more?

Is your staff facing failure in the face of today's market? Dealing with frustration and self-doubt? How is that affecting their family and future, and your bottom line? Bring me in to show them how to live their #WinAnyway Life.

Monday, April 22, 2024

Day 3: 15 Influential Speakers...Dr. John Thompson

This will NOT include Zig Ziglar, Tony Robbins, Les Brown, or Brian Tracy - who are essentially on my Mt. Rushmore of speaker influences.

Dr. John Thompson - who taught my Government class freshman year at Oklahoma Christian College in fall of 1986. Held your attention, used storytelling and a powerful voice to teach a class that would otherwise be a boring chore to sit through.
I was never able to fit another class with him in my schedule, sadly. His booming voice also served him well when he sang Shout by the Isley Brothers at a holiday concert - an enduring memory.
If ever a speaker influenced my 'vocal variety', it was him.

Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Day 2: 15 Influential Speakers - Pastor Norman Bales

The preacher of my childhood church, Norman Bales, had a huge influence on me beyond just, y'know, teaching me scriptures and what it meant to be a Christian - which, incidentally, doesn't seem to be anything close to what many consider Christianity today - but that's another post.

The long-time preacher at the Cedar Rapids Church of Christ, he was heavy into scripture-based sermons, but also told many a story in his mixed Midwest/Southern drawl to anchor his point. He didn't speak too fast, and my love of the pause when speaking likely started with him.
Another reason I know he was a strong influence is my coach spent years working to get the 'Preacher voice' out of me - though, tho be fair, I was influenced not just by Preacher Bales, but so many in the years after high school, when I moved to Oklahoma.
Mom's reading this thinking 'Oh, c'mon Richard, you were so bored and never paid attention to a word he said.' Yeah, well, maybe. But I definitely listened to HOW he said them.


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