Despite common motivational wisdom, and often worldwide pressure, there's nothing wrong with giving up. We've all given up at one time or another, and we will all give up in the future. No, there's no clever turn coming up later in the article where I suggest giving up giving up. All I suggest is that you consider the following questions before you give up.
Tuesday, July 26, 2022
Before You Give Up....
Despite common motivational wisdom, and often worldwide pressure, there's nothing wrong with giving up. We've all given up at one time or another, and we will all give up in the future. No, there's no clever turn coming up later in the article where I suggest giving up giving up. All I suggest is that you consider the following questions before you give up.
Monday, July 25, 2022
Monday, July 18, 2022
This weekend - we watched two movies - both picked by my 21 year old daughter who's staying over in between apartments, and house sitting jobs. I say this because she's at a prime age of figuring out 'who she is, and who she could become', and temporarily couch-surfing with her parents is a part of that journey.
Of course, as you might suspect, she wakes up in the body of her 30 year old self, spends the movie discovering that being who she thought she wanted to be wasn't so great, that Matty, who grows up to be a young Mark Ruffalo, is actually pretty awesome, and takes these life lessons back with her following another emotional scene involving magic glitter that returns her to her 13 year old self. A fun movie that my daughter said was 'transformational' when she watched it at 13. Last night, the pick was
Friday, July 15, 2022
Tuesday, July 12, 2022
Thursday, July 7, 2022
Wednesday, July 6, 2022
Monday, July 4, 2022
Every July 4th, the barbecues light up, usually a few hours before the skies light up, as the United States of America celebrates their Declaration of Independence from the UK back in the day.
Independence as a country, and independence as individuals. Well, sorta. I'm not going to get into politics here - though there are no doubt many who would scoff at the idea our country is independent at all.
Let's examine our own independence, instead. Born, and dependent on parents, or other caretakers. We leave home, we're either dependent on our family, our friends, or, eventually, our job. If we go to college and take out a loan - we're dependent on the government.
Truthfully, we're highly dependent on our gov't regardless of our circumstances - since they are responsible for most of the transportation, communication, and fuel infrastructures. And we pay a lot more taxes now than we ever did to the British.
But entrepreneurs - they're independent, right? No longer under the thumb of a boss! Forget the costs of dealing with the government in opening a storefront, right? Just work from home.'re still dependent on your customers. That you get them, and get them to actually pay. Without them, you're back to a J.O.B. (just over broke). And, of course, even successful entrepreneurs are still dependent on the gov't, as much as they ever were.
If you want true independence, maybe buy some land in the mountains - oh, wait, property tax. OK, go squat somewhere in the forest, catch/grow your own food, and stay away from everyone. Sounds fun, doesn't it? Well, to a few of you, I bet it actually does.
For the rest of us, we're dependent. We choose this dependence. We need it to survive. Their is independence within the dependence, of course. We can make choices with what providers we use, what food we buy, where we live and work, who we marry (at least for now), and tens of thousands of other life decisions. It feels good, doesn't it?
Losing what little independence we have within our dependence is a risk. Anytime one group's rights are threatened, your groups right's are closer to being threatened as well. Anytime one person's rights are infringed on, your rights are one step closer to infringement as well.
Our greatest path to independence still exists - voting. Wow, I didn't want to go down the political rabbit hole, but I have. Oh well.
There's nothing wrong with being dependent on others - for the right reasons. Those others need to be people you trust, be they your inner circle, your customer base, your government officials. If not, you have to vote them off the island, fire them, or at least isolate yourself as much as possible.
Being dependent on a trustworthy circle of people is exactly what founded our 'Independence'. Thomas Jefferson, after all, wasn't the only author, or signature, of and on the Declaration of Independence. Just choose those you depend on wisely. And of course, consider inviting them to your BBQ!